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Well-Rounded Wellness
Written by Betsy
Monday, 31 October 2011 01:40

Kairos Consumers follows the U.S. retailing landscape with continual interest as the recession rages on, paying special attention to those trends that seem to debunk an assumed embrace of frugality. Logic told us that consumers would trade eating out for cooking in, but what has additionally evolved has been an intimate relationship between the grocery consumer and his/her store of choice. Organic at Wal-Mart and Safeway give the stores mass appeal and seemingly would detract from an organic powerhouse like Whole Foods, stealing away the “organically ambivalent” who may prefer to buy organic for reasons they are unable to articulate, but only do this sporadically, and thus feel more comfortable making the choice at a cheaper price point. Not one to sit pat, Whole Foods stepped up the game again, solidifying its position as a lifestyle brand by offering Wellness Clubs, first introduced in Dedham Mass and Tribeca NYC and now Chicago, IL. The Whole Foods Wellness Club - according to the Whole Foods website - is a place "...where members are empowered to make educated and positive lifestyle choices that promote their long-term health and well-being through coaching, delicious food and a supportive community." For $190+ for registration and $40+ per month membership fees, the education and support comes at a price, although perks abound.

According to Whole Foods Wellness Club Info membership includes:

  • 10% discount on a wide variety of healthy foods
  • Supper Club discount
  • Unlimited classes in cooking, nutrition & healthier lifestyle choices
  • Access to a growing local network of businesses that promote health and well-being and that provide additional benefits to Wellness Club members
  • Cooking demos & community events

Does this mark a change in the consumer/grocer relationship? Are the benefits worth the investment? And will the Supper Club perk - with a schedule that includes everything from Taco Night to Taste of India - trump the very un-wellness-related real supper club deal (5pm Wisconsin dinner seatings for fried perch)? Kairos Consumers Co-Founders decided to test out a membership, beginning November 1. Stay tuned for a full assessment in 30 days...



Last Updated on Monday, 31 October 2011 02:32